Name: Gaurav Shivhare  
Date Of birth : 30 May 1986.
Location: India.
Status: Single.
Languages: Hindi & English.
Superpower: My Memory.
Interests: drawing, music, reading, nature, Traveling.


I was born on a Friday and the day was May 30th 1986. It all took place on the small district of Madhyapradesh (state) In a little town called Damua. I live in Madhyapradesh in its capital called Bhopal. Bhopal is a place where I am in charge - Or at least I would like to think that I am.

I have my own coaching center and I earn some nice dough. I laugh at my own jokes and sometimes I even start crying from laughing so hard from them. I call myself vegetarian but I do eat some dairy products. I can be quite naive and I am easy to make believe all kinds of things. I like things to be organized and I dig symmetry - things should be easy to find unless your purpose is to hide it…


 I live in the city of lakes "Bhopal", INDIA:-

Interests and Likings:-

 I have always been interested in creative things and I like going into details. I enjoy music a lot and I am not a big fan of complete silence. I like reading - my genres is biographies, mythology/religion, horror and how-to books. I watch the news each day and I like to discuss religion, politics and international affairs.
My native language is Hindi - I can speak a decent English - and I do understand a bit Spanish, French & Marathi. I love to travel. I have visited the place in india most. Theres many places I still would love to visit. USA is the place I wish to visit the most.

I Believe In The Power Of "SUBCONSCIOUS MIND"

many people are closed off to their own potential because they do not know about this infinite storehouse of infinite potential & boundless power within themselves. With the help of infinite intelligence of our subconscious mind can reveal everything which we can think.